FYI, i am d one who always craving to eat this instant noodle..since i'm in year 6.. until i found some1 that do not like to eat this food, and i know it not good to our health so then i reduce to take this food.
and now,i already get bored with this food..yeah!!!
i think we all know and noticed that while we cooking that instant noodle,we will find that the water that we use to boil the noodle will get oily right..?
that is because the wax that contain at the instant noodle that use to make it separate when it get cooked.
and surely that wax is not good to our health!
and the MSG that provide as ingredient powder also will harm our body, even it give small effect..
so now, i want to share the right way for u to cook the instant noodle before it harm u more..=)
1.boil the noodle in a pot with water.
2.after the noodle get cooked, take out the noodle and use the new water..
*because the 1st boiling water already contain lotttsss of wax..we want to reduce it more..
3.Add the MSG to your noodle
*make sure that your water did not reach the boiling point of the water
because there are some fact told that the MSG will become toxic when u boil it with hot water..
up to you if u want to trust o not..=)
4. then stir it, and serve it to your mouth!!hmm..nyummyy...
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
< i'm Miss bola-Bola >
hii..da ade hobi yang bez..wat cik bola2 tuk kawan2 ika..hii..ttbe dpt ide tgh2 mlm bute, sebab waktu mlm gelap, so bler gelap org tak nmpak..tu yg dipanggil malam bute..haha..tpu2..opss..bkn org kate pagi2 bute ke..? alamak silap kot..
haha.. lari topic da..
ika da berjaya siap 1 cik bola2!! yg 1st ni ika wat tuk k.risya, sebab rini nk date ngn k.risha..hee..eppy da berjaye buat!! weee =D
haha.. lari topic da..
ika da berjaya siap 1 cik bola2!! yg 1st ni ika wat tuk k.risya, sebab rini nk date ngn k.risha..hee..eppy da berjaye buat!! weee =D
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Anak Mak ke..?
hii..sure la kn..da dilahirkan oleh seorang ibu ofcoz la anak mak ngn abah..
haha..tapikan, ttbe harini baru perasan, perangai degil aku ni keturunan dari mak i..haha..
gedix lak ttbe..aishhh..
sebab ape i baru notice about that..? msti nk taw kn..
ha..sebab tetibe teringat perangai mak yang comeyl..
hii..mls nk citer kat cnie sal perangai mak yang comeyl tu, sebab kdg owg xrase comeyl pon, t org anggap buruk lak..
xnk3...no3..xde siape leyh kate sal mak kiter ea...
haha..tapikan, ttbe harini baru perasan, perangai degil aku ni keturunan dari mak i..haha..
gedix lak ttbe..aishhh..
sebab ape i baru notice about that..? msti nk taw kn..
ha..sebab tetibe teringat perangai mak yang comeyl..
hii..mls nk citer kat cnie sal perangai mak yang comeyl tu, sebab kdg owg xrase comeyl pon, t org anggap buruk lak..
xnk3...no3..xde siape leyh kate sal mak kiter ea...
Sunday, April 08, 2012
_santai di waktu petang_
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upin ipin la!!hee XD |
Friday, March 16, 2012
Air JePun~ xD
Hi!..story morry lorry..Pon!..Pon!!
ieykakaka nk berstory ag..citer psl air JePun..
erm..nop3..bkn air dr jepun..tapi air je pon..ngehngehngeh
yang dikatakan air jePun tu adalah ujan..
sebab air jePun aku ngan die boleyh redah je hujan dr times sQuare smpai UPM..
jauh kn..hmm..smpai basah lenjun jugak la c die tu kne ujan,baju ie, sluar ie, kasut ie
sume basah..ish3..sian..aku lak? sluar je basah..hii..len slamat..
ha..cmne leyh jd cmtu..? it's MAGIC...kikiki
papepon thanx sgt2 kt die sbb sggup teman aku 2, 3 kli g UPM..a curi byk mase die..tmbah ag
smpai kne ujan..huu..
ieykakaka nk berstory ag..citer psl air JePun..
erm..nop3..bkn air dr jepun..tapi air je pon..ngehngehngeh
yang dikatakan air jePun tu adalah ujan..
sebab air jePun aku ngan die boleyh redah je hujan dr times sQuare smpai UPM..
jauh kn..hmm..smpai basah lenjun jugak la c die tu kne ujan,baju ie, sluar ie, kasut ie
sume basah..ish3..sian..aku lak? sluar je basah..hii..len slamat..
ha..cmne leyh jd cmtu..? it's MAGIC...kikiki
papepon thanx sgt2 kt die sbb sggup teman aku 2, 3 kli g UPM..a curi byk mase die..tmbah ag
smpai kne ujan..huu..
Friday, February 24, 2012
post lewat malam@pagi bute
aiyooo..apekah yg aku nga lakukan skarang niyh..?awat aku x tido ag ni..?
owg len da duk lena di ulik mimpi, tp ayu mate masih bulat adap lappy..?
study ke..?mcm x je..fyp..?pon idok jugak..?
beztu? pekejadah nye pekerjaan yg aku nga wat ag niyh..?haa..inilah pembaziran namenyer..
ish3..burok3..burok tol perangai awok ni..mse itu emas, x bek nk rugikan gitu jer..insaf la..insaf..
tetibe jer pg ni ujan...?fuf..patotler rase panas je dr td..
owg len da duk lena di ulik mimpi, tp ayu mate masih bulat adap lappy..?
study ke..?mcm x je..fyp..?pon idok jugak..?
beztu? pekejadah nye pekerjaan yg aku nga wat ag niyh..?haa..inilah pembaziran namenyer..
ish3..burok3..burok tol perangai awok ni..mse itu emas, x bek nk rugikan gitu jer..insaf la..insaf..
tetibe jer pg ni ujan...?fuf..patotler rase panas je dr td..
Friday, February 17, 2012
i'm Home!!
yezza...akhirnya..trase rilex jap pas da abez sem n abez annual camp..even juz 4 a while, xnk runsing kn otak nk pk macam2..cuti yg kejap ni nk kosongkan otak je..fuf..buang jauh2 masalah..nex week nk nek sem da..adoyai.. kne fighting for the laz sem..haiyaa!!semangat ckit!!
so..how preparation 4 the nex sem..hmm..kne list kan brg2 nk kne ade ni..
ops..wait..nk citer sal kat uma la..now kat uma ade mak, abah, n wak siti*akk mak*..
mak suh blk awl jgk..ngat kn nk blk arini sbb nk dating dlu..XD tap, mak suh blk awal gk sbb kne wak siti, mak nk g rewang umah mak ngah sudin*jiran*..
so rini da lepas tanggungjawab ckit..ika jge wak siti taw,ika wat kn bekfes, ika suap wak mkn, tmn wak kuar uma..hii..cian kat wak..wak da tue..cmne agk nye bler aku da tue nnti kn..hmm..hopez ank cucu aku nnti pndai nk jge aku, n jodoh aku xkn tggalkan aku..=)..opss..whos that jodoh??tamtara...ssshhh...
so..how preparation 4 the nex sem..hmm..kne list kan brg2 nk kne ade ni..
- buku nota
- alat tulis>>pen*byk da ilang*
- a4 paper>>*sgt penting
ops..wait..nk citer sal kat uma la..now kat uma ade mak, abah, n wak siti*akk mak*..
mak suh blk awl jgk..ngat kn nk blk arini sbb nk dating dlu..XD tap, mak suh blk awal gk sbb kne wak siti, mak nk g rewang umah mak ngah sudin*jiran*..
so rini da lepas tanggungjawab ckit..ika jge wak siti taw,ika wat kn bekfes, ika suap wak mkn, tmn wak kuar uma..hii..cian kat wak..wak da tue..cmne agk nye bler aku da tue nnti kn..hmm..hopez ank cucu aku nnti pndai nk jge aku, n jodoh aku xkn tggalkan aku..=)..opss..whos that jodoh??tamtara...ssshhh...
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